Friday, February 28, 2014




Start uni this week. No FFS

Uni is a 180km return trip. FFS

The powers that be put on a free coach bus service, hellllooo air condition comfort. No FFS

The bus driver looks like the lead character in a f-grade horror flick. FFS

He drives the bus like a horror flick. FFS.

He gets me home faster than I could, and I don't stop to let students off. No FFS (just close your eyes, think of England, no one has died....yet)

Big two have to walk themselves home from school. No FFS (it's character building and fitness building...right)

Big two have a fight, and separately contact me, one via Skype, one via Instagram. FFS

Fight club topics include whether or not either of them should have a shower after school, who should go first, and why are girls mean. FFS

The first rule of fight club......

You can join in the FFS awesomeness or just have a laugh at the lovely


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