Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Yeah I know..... I've been MIA (again). I promise, it's not because I've started something (again) and lost interest (again)! I have a good excuse! My son, AKA as Cadel the Stuntman decided mummy needed a new laptop. So on the floor with the old one, twice. Not suprisingly, my old laptop didn't like it's close encounter with the floor, and even though it was still working, i.t w.en.t r.e.a.l.l.y s.l.o.w.

So thanks Stuntman, I'm now typing on my sparkly new laptop and it goes much faster than the last!
And should my new laptop be found on the floor.....believe me, no cute photo with a love heart in it will be put on this blog.

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