Thursday, December 31, 2009
I Love a Good Challenge
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Links to Share
Monday, December 28, 2009
Because I'm Worth It
- Drink 2 bottles of water (min) per day.
- Eat breakfast everyday
- Eat at least one piece of fruit per day
- NO Iced Coffees or Coke or any beverage that has to be bought (water being the exception).
- from today through to Saturday, do one 45 min session on the Wii Fit.
Foodie Friday
Thursday, December 3, 2009
My Ceative Place

I'm participating in Kootoyoo's Creative Place.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My Creative Place

This week I'm joining in My Creative Space over at Kootoyoo. This is my first time in participating too :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Felt Fun
First off, Felt Food.
Felt Food Tutorial from One Crafty Place has some wonderful ideas.
Bperry042 check out direct link: Felt Food Tutes
Yummy enought to eat!
Aren't these letters cute? They would also make a sweet gift for a child with an unusual/uncommon name.
And baby booties, Heather Bailey share her Bitty Booties PDF, and these are so darn cute. Toddler booties are not made from felt in the tutorial, but you could easily make them from felt.
What little prince or princess would like crown.
Or you could use your felt to get organised!
The possibilities are endless!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What you Reading
Sunday, November 1, 2009
On the edge
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I Have No Words
Back in July I read her post about Florence. It has taken some time for the intensity of grief to subside enough for her to resume blogging, but I am ever so grateful that she has returned to the blogging world.
I have no words to adequately describe the sadness I feel for Florence and her family. However I feel grateful that she is sharing Florence with us.
Read a little more about Florence and her short life.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I'm Still a Loaner
Ndèye Sophie Mbodj will be using her loan to bolster her business which involves dyed cloths. Ndeye, with her husband, supports five children, one of which is at school.
"Give a Man a Fish, Feed Him For a Day. Teach a Man to Fish, Feed Him For a Lifetime"
Friday, September 11, 2009
I Made a Nice Top
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ta Da!!
Corner study unit. The doors all close up, so everything can be shut away, nice and tidy. Also keeps little fingers out. This room also has to double up as a home office, so this corner unit was the perfect piece of furniture.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A Blank Slate
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I’m Nesting
Can you not be pregnant and still be in a nesting mood…..
I'm definitely not pregnant, but lately I have been increasingly frustrated with my home. I live with an enormous amount of clutter and I take on so many roles that I never have enough time to clean properly. This is a bad combination. Add to that my love of buying fabric and patterns, together with my lack of suitable storage and you can imagine how my home looks most days.
I don't actively invite people over because I'm embarrassed by the state of my home. This is insane.
So I decided to either suck it up and get over it, or do something about it and get over it, and happily for me I've chosen the latter. I've decided to tackle two rooms, the front room, which I use as a study and I'll use as a sewing space and the games room.
So far:
- donated unwanted/unused furniture to freecycle
- booked carpet man
- made a list of what I want for both rooms
- bought curtains for study/sewing room
To do:
- Go to Ikea to buy items to fit out the rooms
- Organise fabric, patterns, laptop
So I'm kind of in nesting mode. J
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Pay It Forward
Pay it Forwards are fun, go on, comment, you know you want too ;)
Little Giveaway from Little Munchkins
Two Oliver + S patterns are on offer, just leave a comment in this post.
Sew Mama Sew Meme
What brand and model do you have?
Janome My Excel 18W
How long have you had it?
5 years
How much does that machine cost (approximately)?
What types of things do you sew (i.e. quilting, clothing, handbags, home dec projects, etc.)?
Mostly children's clothing, some bags, toys and sometimes I use my sewing machine for scrapbooking
How much do you sew? How much wear and tear does the machine get?
I lost my ‘sew-jo’ for a while, but now I’ll use my machine at least every few days.
Do you like/love/hate your machine? Are you ambivalent? Passionate? Does she have a name?
I love my machine. It is basic but perfect for the level my sewing is at. It doesn't have a name.
What features does your machine have that work well for you? I love how the lid flips up with important information printed on it. Like what foot to use with what stitch type and recommended stitch length/width as well as tens
Is there anything that drives you nuts about your machine?
Button hole. I can’t seem to get the hang of doing button holes nice and neat.
Do you have a great story to share about your machine (i.e., Found it under the Christmas tree? Dropped it on the kitchen floor? Sewed your fingernail to your zipper?, Got it from your Great Grandma?, etc.!)? We want to hear it!
Not with this machine, but I would like to share the story of my first machine.
I got my first machine, a Pinnock (brand), when I was 15 years old. My teens were are challenging time and were also years spent finding myself and (sometimes) being angry with life experiences I could not change. One of those experiences was watching my cousin deal with grief and depression associated with the murder of her two children. Her children, Rachel and Shane, were my play buddies, and were killed by their father in tragic circumstances. Needing a way to deal with all this I wrote a letter to Rachel and Shane, mostly just letting know how much I missed them and what sort of things we would be doing together if they were still alive.
Then I sent the letter to a magazine which paid a fee for true stories. I was paid $250 for my letter which I used to buy a sewing machine. I don’t use the Pinnock anymore, but I often think of Rachel and Shane when I sew and this makes me happy.
Would you recommend the machine to others? Why?
Definitely. I would recommend this machine to all beginner sewers as it is a great first machine. It also comes with several feet, which as you grow in knowledge and confidence, can really improve your sewing.
What factors do you think are important to consider when looking for a new machine?
Does it come with a hard case? This is important for protecting your machine from bumps, dust and small children. How much and how readily available are the machine feet? Have a look at the user manual, does it have pictures/diagrams and easy to read language? Does the shop you buy it from offer classes in how to use your machine?
Do you have a dream machine?
My dream machine is a super dooper Janome Memorycraft 11000. It also happens to be $8499......My realistic dream machine is probably a Janome Memorycraft 9700.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Enid Sew Along
I finished the Enid Sew Along on Crafty Mamas
The fabric I used kind of needed some bling so I added the heart.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Enid was one clever lady

So anyway, the first part of the sew-along is to pick out the pattern. I chose a basic sun dress in size 5. The next part was to draft the pattern. I've only ever done this once before and it can be a little tricky. Basically Enid has the pattern drawn up with corresponding measurements in inches. Starting at the nominated point you use the various measurements to get the pattern shape and then sort of fill in the gaps. I found it easier with my cutting mat as it has inches all drawn up, and along with my ruler I was able to draft the dress in no time.
Next step is to choose some fabric :)
Some other Enid lovers are Alesha and Tracy and a group Enid Blog
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
Not a bad week, I've been snacking on fruit, making nice dinners and drinking water. I had to buy lunch two days in a row but I chose a healthy option. I'm finding the tea drinking is up, probably because the cool weather has finally arrived, but I'm continuing the sugar ban, so I'm not to concerned.
I wasn't able to do the fitness class this week, due to some volunteer work that took up all of last week. But that (the volunteer work) was quite full on and I was on my feet almost all day, so I'm sure I burnt up some calories that way.
Thoughts and Actions
The volunteer work I did was organise the school bookfair. So each day, I dressed the part and I also put make up on. And I felt really good about myself. I looked professional and felt professional. I did a really good job, and I received many compliments for the job that I did, so this was a huge self-esteem boost. I didn't get to spend my bra voucher or get my nails done, but that's ok, hopefully next week.
*Go to 2 fitness classes this week
*Spend my vouchers!
*Weigh myself and see how I'm going weight wise.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
Friday, March 6, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
Hmm progress so so. I'm not being strict enough with the breakfast, however water intake is good. I haven't had an iced coffee for 9 days!! So that's really good, but then I've had extra tea (craving caffeine/sugar maybe?).
I'm still walking to and from school when I can. And I'm starting to think about going for walks again with the dog.....
Thoughts and Actions
I've started at Tafe, so every Thursday I make a special effort to dress up nice and look like I'm off to work. It makes me look forward to Thursday. I realise I could do this everyday, but why bother, I mean, dressing up to hang out the washing is not really to appealing. I've also started (externally) at uni. It feels great to be doing something for me, something that is challenging my mind and to be doing something to develop my post-SAHM goals.
I had a friend comment to me this week that I look good (she commented on a Thursday though) and this felt nice.
*get back into morning breakfast.
*go for two walks besides school drop off/pick up
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
I've been getting back into the 'eat something, anything for breakfast' routine. If I don't have cereal, then I try to have toast and a cup of milk. Apparently studies have shown that a cup of milk with breakfast will help curb the 'i'm hungry' feeling you get mid-morning. I'm still going strong with the water.
I'm happy to report that I have been out walking! Well to and from school anyway. And as the kids want to ride their bikes, I've been trying to set a brisk pace and keep up with them. It's not enough, but it's a improvement on what I have(n't) been doing.
Thoughts and Actions
Well I had to cancel the beautician appointment for my hairy legs due to illness, but I'm going to re-book it soon. I've bought some moisturiser with a SPF15+ in it and I've been trying to remember to apply that each day. I've also started weaning my son off the breast. When he's all finished I'm going to go and be fitted for some decent bra's.
*Get back to eating a healthy lunch each day.
*Continue to walk kids to and from school.
*Re-book that appointment.
How has your week gone?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Back to Basics Update
So anyway on to my update!
Not much has been done due to illness, in fact, in some areas we seem to have gone backwards :(
In the Garden
Nothing new planted.
The very last tomatoes have been picked.
This week I feel a little discouraged as it seems I don't harvest nearly as a much as I sow. Not even close. If it's not the slugs/snails it's the slaters. If it's not the unrelenting heat then it's a bout of frost. Or I forget to put the bore on, or one of the kids leaves the gate open and the dog tramples through. Know what I mean?
But it is all a learning experience and I have had some success (tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes). So I guess I'm learning what really works and what doesn't.
Planning for the Future
Prior to getting sick I set up several direct deposits with my bank to make fortnightly contribution to my utilities, land/water rates and some other regular bills. The idea is that when bills come in they are either paid or almost paid, resulting in better family finances. This is the good news. The bad news is that while I was sick, nothing else got done and my husband did the shopping. (Can you hear my kids whoop with joy over this?). In other words lots of junkfood, heaps of junkfood was bought. The kids were happy. And whats more, much of the 'frozen dinners' and stores I have been saving up, have been used up. Oh well, I guess thats what it's there for.
So this week, it's get back on top of the budget week.
Working for the Future
I ended up enrolling in that Business course at Tafe. It's 6 months full time (I'll be part-time), and will build up and recognise my computing skills. I started last Thursday.
Building Community
Myself and another girl guide leader are helping our guide unit organise a massive garage sale to raise funds for the Victorian bushfire survivors.
I have also rung to make an appointment to give blood.
New Skill
none to report.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I hate being sick.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
Breakfast is still going good. Lunch, hmm so so. I haven't had as much salad in my sandwiches as I would have liked. I guess the biggest reason is that I haven't had salad foods pre-prepared, ready to go in the fridge. I must get on to this. Water intake is going well. I'm drinking 1.5-2L a day and it is a comfortable amount. Snacks...not bad but could be better. I've tried cut fruit, popcorn and muffins. I like the muffins, the popcorn just makes me hungry but the fruit is good too.
Oh man do I hate formal exercise. So I thought "hmmmm what can I do that could count as exercise". Which leads me to the 'to much information' bit. Did you know for 1/2 hour of sex you burn 13o calories. Not much but about the same as a half hour walk. And I know which one gets my heart racing more ;) Hehehe. So anyway, hubby is liking this new health fad I'm on and I can say I 'exercised' several times this week.
On a more serious note, I have been trying to make an effort this week and although it's still not 'work up a sweat' exercise, it's better than nothing.
Thoughts and Actions
This week I got my eyebrows waxed and I've booked an appointment for my legs to be done too. It's funny how I baulk at spending $10 on an eyebrow wax, yet don't think anything on a $30 splurge at Spotlight..... But as I've said before, this challenge isn't about loosing weight. It's about feeling good about myself. Tomorrow I'm going to the city with a friend to shop for something to wear on Sunday for church. The kids are being massed baptised and I want to look nice up there in front of everybody.
I've cut out several 'projects'. But haven't been able to finish anything yet (see other update post). Will post pics of creations when I've completed them.
Goals for this Week
*Continue moving. Try and get in 2 walks with the kids.
*Get my legs waxed.
*Continue with healthy breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinking water.
*Eat 1 super healthy dinner.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Back to Basics Update
Sown: None to report
Transplanted: More sunflowers, Giant pumpkin, tomatoes
Harvesting: Potatoes, various herbs
Applied a soil wetting agent to back lawn. It's looking very sad, and not surprising with the heat wave Perth has been going through. General weeding.
Planning for the Future
I borrowed a copy of 'Peak Oil Survival' by Arie McBay, and I have been reading through that to see what self-sustaining changes we can make around our home. I'm entertaining the idea of enrolling part-time into a course at TAFE. It's only 3 hours per week, and it is in Business Administration, which would really help me not just to have my skills certified, but in helping me do my husbands bookwork better. Enrolment is next week.....
Working for the Future
Tidying up around the house continues. Cleaning out the pantry, using up old/forgotten food. Still sewing away. Making clothes for winter and also handmade gifts, so they are on hand when I need them. Made some games (Bingo based), for the kids to help them in language areas that they aren't so good at.
Building Community
Gathered up some clothes that my daughter doesn't need to donate to a family in need.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
Again, a couple of slip ups but some progress too. Breakfast is going well and I'm eating a healthy lunch too. I've added more fruit to my diet and my water intake is up to 1.25 (a water bottle size) per day. In fact my body is craving that water. Yesterday I went out and left my water bottle at home, so from 9am till 2pm I didn't drink any water, and had such a terrible head ache by last night.
I've cut my tea and sugar (in the tea) right down. In fact, I'm consuming around 3 tsps of sugar now instead of 6-8 tsps. If I continue this for a whole year I will be cutting out 5kg of sugar from my diet. Pretty cool hey.
I'm not doing so well in the snack department. As soon as 3-4pm hits I'm ravenous, so this week I'm investigating healthy snacks. I also need to be better prepared for when I go out. I need to remember to take my drink bottle with me and I need to remember to take healthy snack/lunch alternatives, so I'm not forced/tempted to buy unhealthy food.
Arrgghhhh. I hate exercising. It's set to hit 40 degrees today. Only crazy people seek out exercise in that sort of weather. I bounced on the trampoline a few times, and walked to the deli for milk instead of driving. But again nothing to be proud of.
Thoughts and Actions
I've started on a multi-vitamin supplement this week. Just a general all rounder. I've also been cutting out sewing patterns and getting a list of projects happening. I don't generally sew clothes for myself, I never look like the chick on the pattern envelope. So I've banished the self-hate talk this week and I'm determined to make stuff for me. One item of clothing that is a must is a hat. The essence of this challenge for me looking after myself as a whole. I could loose all the weight in the world, but it wouldn't really matter if I'm looking old and crusty because I don't wear a hat or apply sunscreen.
*Cut my sugar content in my cups of tea to 1/2tsp.
*Find some healthy snack alternatives
*Be prepared when I leave the house. Make taking a water bottle just as important as taking my purse.
*Include 3 x 30min exercise sessions in my week
*Apply sunscreen and wear a hat if I go out in the sun.
How did your week go?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Just Tricking You
I was so proud of him as, it lead on to me pointing out that many foods and products are endorsed by characters and famous people. He commented in a rather annoyed tone "But they are trying to trick me into buying stuff"
Finally! My parenting is paying off and he realises why I refuse to buy many of these products.
Then today we had another conversation about slogans and jingles and how companies use them to try and get you to remember their products, and we had a go at making our own.
I'm not anti-advertising or against slogans and the like, by the way. But I'm not a fan of companies using children to manipulate them into pestering parents to buy stuff.
1 down, 3 more kids to go :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Back to Basics Update
In the Garden
The seeds I've sown from my last post have germinated (mostly) and coming along well. The sunflowers will need to be transplanted this week though to a sunny spot. They are in jiffy pots so that should be easy done.
Harvesting: More zucchini, tomatoes and potatoes.
Planning for the Future
We (my husband and I) have been discussing future plans for our house. We live in a 4 x 2 home which, size wise is fine for us at the moment. But it concerns me that when the kids get to their teens they will be living on top of each other, in particular my daughters. They share and their room size is not big enough for single beds (they sleep in bunks). I want all my children to stay at home as long as they need to, and I don't want them to feel they have to move out because they need privacy or space to study etc. I had to move out of my home when I was 16 and support myself and it was so hard sometimes. So we've decided on a long term goal/plan. Our goal is to re-visit this issue in 5 years time. By then we will have no debts (apart from the house) and should have a sizeable savings account. Then we look at renovating and extending upwards. My husband is a roof carpenter, his dad is an electrician and two good friends of ours are plasterers, so the cost of this project could potentially be greatly minimised. And my husband has done many of these sorts of projects so he knows a great deal about doing ourselves.
Working for the Future
My husband has been given a whole heap of pavers, so we can pave a section in our backyard that is to shady for grass and not ideal for garden beds. We have also been cleaning out broken junk that can't be re-purposed, as it is almost bulk rubbish time in my area.
Building Community
Continued to clean out old children's clothes. Borrowed out the crib :( (My baby is growng up so fast). Acquired some more age appropriate toys for my baby in return. Set some dates to babysit so a friend doesn't have to pay for daycare, and so my kids can have a play.
Learn a New Skill
Learnt how to gather properly! I was very pleased with myself!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I'm Feeling Proud
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Because I'm Worth It Update
From Family |
Well week one has been good, several positive changes but also a few slip ups. But overall I'm happy. I think I need to set my goals out though, so they are more measurable. At the moment I'm feel what I'm hoping to achieve is a little vague. So here is a update;
I've eaten breakfast each morning for 6 out 7 days. I feel much better by mid morning and I'm not getting a 'oh my I'm going to pass out if I don't get a sugar fix' feeling by lunch time. I've tried to have a healthy lunch, but I still need to work on this. I've cut down how much tea (and therefore sugar in my tea) down to 3 cups a day (3 tsps sugar). I'm also getting in the 6 glasses + of water too. I have slipped up a few times though. I have had take-aways twice and I've had 5 x 500ml iced coffees this week. So thats something I need to work on.
Hmmm does it count as an excuse that we have been having 35 degree + days and thats why I couldn't formally exercise this week? Ok, probably a crap excuse. It has been hot, so instead of sitting on the beach during swimming lessons, I have made an effort to get in the water for a splash. I really need to work on this area.
Actions and Thoughts
I've been reading up on tips and ideas on dieting and healthy living and I have started to implement some of them. I've switched to low fat milk, I've started having a glass of milk with breakky (it helps fill you up), I've made an effort to have pre-prepared salad foods in the fridge (sliced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, grated carrot, all in containers) so I'm more inclined to make a healthy sandwich and I'm trying to get in the habit of carrying a water bottle with me.
Week 2 Goals
*Continue with breakfast, healthy lunch and drinking water
*Cut out the Masters Iced Coffees
*No excuses, exercise for 30 min x 3. Minimum.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to Basics Update
My Diggers Club seeds arrived, so I've got sunflowers (Giant and a variety called Teddybear), pumpkin, capsicum, cherry tomato and corn.
Eggplant seedlings, marjoram
Tomato, zucchini, carrots
Seaweed extract over all the pots and garden beds, snail hunting, trying to keep on top of the couch grass invading the garden beds.
Planning for the Future
Making a list of friends and relatives birthdays and I'm trying to create a timeline with handmade gift suggestions so I can be prepared when birthdays come around. I have been through my fabric stash and I've mentally compiled a list of ideas for clothes and gifts. Just need to get it all on paper now....
Ordered some fabric from crafty mammas for clothes for the kids including school uniform colours. My kids like to layer there clothes and I can't seem to get long sleeve tops in the right green. So a special buy came up and I've ordered some stretch knit for long sleeve tops.
Working for the Future
Making my mother-in-laws birthday present. Making a bunch of easy but oh so pretty twirly skirts for my girls. Freezing excess tomato's (whole), for use in casseroles/slow cooker meals. I want to have a go at sun dried tomatoes but this week has been super busy with swimming lessons, I haven't had a chance yet. Maybe next week...
Building Community
Discussed with a friend about the possibility in doing a co-op type arrangement with grocery and meat shopping and buying monthly for maximum benefits. We both agreed we can't do it this month (need to save up the money for a biiggggg shop!), but could possibly start in February. In the mean time we are going to look into bulk buying butchers and FAL (they supply IGA in WA).
Doing some cleaning out of kids clothes ready to donate to charities/people having babies.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Because I'm Worth It
Earlier I blogged about ditching the 'I want to lose weight' new years resolution and I decided to replace it with the 'I'm going to love myself' goal. Well I've decided to take it one step further and make it a challenge! I have been following Belinda's Back to Basics Challenge and I have found it incredibly motivating.
So I'm doing the "Because I'm Worth It" Challenge. Each week, on Friday I'm going to update my progress on how I am respecting myself, how I'm treating my body and spirit with kindness. All sounds wishy washy I know, but hell, the "I want to lose weight' yearly statement/goal is just not working!
So I've decided to break it up into categories (bit like the Back to basics Challenge):
What I eat, what I want to eat, new foods, new recipe's.
Similar to food, and total minutes exercised
Actions and Thoughts
Changing my thought process, how I'm changing my attitude, what little things am I doing to show self-respect.
If I think of more, I'll add them!
So here goes....
I need to eat breakfast everyday. This is a bad habit for me...the breakfast skipping. This morning I had porridge with a little maple syrup and banana. Also I'm aiming for 1L of water per day.
This week the aim is to do 3 x 30 min of exercise per week. My concrete blocks stopping me doing this is the heat. We are in a heat wave of 37 degree days at the moment and I hate exercising when it is hot. However, kids are doing swimming lessons down the beach, I could pop the two year old in the big floaty doughnut thing and just walk up and down the beach. The kids lesson goes for 45 min so I can probably get a couple of 30 min sessions in.
Actions and Thoughts
In my earlier post I said I wasn't going to hide myself when I go to the beach anymore. Well I did it! Twice! I swam in just bathers, I played chasey with the kids, I built sand castles and generally splashed about. With no boardshorts to 'hide' me and without venturing out to the deeper water to 'hide' my body. It was very liberating!
Check out Lizards Tips and Tracy's Journey .