Thursday, December 31, 2009

I Love a Good Challenge

This year I'm going to take part in Carolyn's 12 months of sewing challenge. Well at least I'm attempting to.....

The first one is "something for me". I think I might go for the Valeska skirt by Farbenmix. It looks like a sweet pattern and I'm in need of a new skirt. This is going to be a bit of a challenge to complete as I'm going away on a massive big Girl Guide camp in a few days, and although I get back on the night of the 11th of January, I'm sure I'll be greeted with "the washing pile to end all washing piles" along with a fair amount of catching up to do in the sleep department.

On the up side, the skirt does look fairly simple to construct. Stay tuned. :)

1 comment:

willow and moo said...

Lela, Valeska is'll have no problems whipping it up quickly! :)

Have fun camping. :)