It's my birthday today and boy did I do well! Like most grown up's, I see my birthday as really just another day and don't really pay it much mind. Sometimes I get good pressies and sometimes I might not get any at all (being 5 weeks from christmas doesn't help!). But this year I hit the jackpot!
I got a big frame that I've been wanting for a large portrait (mental note: next time I feel the urge to get portrait photo's of my kids, think about how much frames cost!), a portable iPod docking station (not what I need or wanted, but now I've got it I will definately use it! I love my podcast's), a Mandarin tree, a Blueberry bush and my sister has ordered me a copy of Little House on the Praire by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Every year I always by something for myself, so this year I ordered some books and more importantly I bought some chairs for my dining room. This may sound mundane, but I detested my dining chairs. Two had structual issues, all were stained and manky, but they were free and did the trick. However I saved up the money and decided I was going to by myself some new dining chairs and not only that I was going to be environmentally consious and go second hand and also be mindful of budget and not spend more than $50 per chair. Oh and they had to be all wood (removeable covers ok, but no permanent fabric), they had to be solid and I needed at least 6 chairs.
Well I finally got them and at $43 a chair I'm a happy camper.
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